We’ve returned from our roundtrip journey across the country and the one regret we have is not being able to spend more time in each location.
2014-06-30 09.28.50

The people, attractions and natural wonders were absolutely incredible, but the cast and crew, much to our chagrin, were under a tremendous amount of pressure to push on each day before we would otherwise be ready. We stayed as long as we absolutely could to soak up the atmosphere and try to capture the essences of all these incredible places, amd the realities of working with a limited budget, and in turn time were daunting.

7029 miles in 24 days is quite a bit to accomplish. The hosts held up and drove every single mile through sore muscles, wind, rain, and scorching temperatures.

Here are our mileage stats for the trip:

Day Date From To Running Milage Day’s Miles Traveled
1 30-Jun Ridgewood NJ Long Beach Island NJ 134 134
2 1-Jul Long Beach Island NJ Daleville, VA 609 472.5
3 2-Jul Daleville, VA Nashville, TN 1012 403.1
4 3-Jul Nashville, TN Louisville, KY 1208 194.4
5 4-Jul Louisville, KY Bourbon, Mo 1612 404.1
6 5-Jul Bourbon, Mo Catoosa, OK 1901 289
7 6-Jul Catoosa, OK Tucumcari, NM 2394 493.2
8 7-Jul Tucumcari, NM Flagstaff AZ 2896 501.4
9 8-Jul Flagstaff AZ Needles, Ca 3264 368.5
10 9-Jul Needles, Ca Bakersfeild Ca 3545 280.1
11 10-Jul Bakersfeild Ca San Jose, CA 3794 249.1
12 11-Jul San Jose, CA Millbrae, Ca 3863 54.6
13 12-Jul Millbrae, Ca San Francisco 4096 15
14 13-Jul San Francisco Lake Tahoe 4417 232.9
15 14-Jul Lake Tahoe Elko, NV 4417 320.6
16 15-Jul Elko, NV Rock Springs, Wy 4890 472.9
17 16-Jul Rock Springs, Wy Fort Collins, Co 5152 261.7
18 17-Jul Fort Collins, Co Fort Collins, Co 5152 0
19 18-Jul Fort Collins, Co Kearney, NE 5528 375.8
20 19-Jul Kearney, NE Newton, IA 5878 350
21 20-Jul Newton, IA Portage, IN 6233 354.7
22 21-Jul Portage, IN Clarion PA 6693 459.5
23 22-Jul Clarion PA Pittston, PA 6907 214.9
23 22-Jul Pittston, PA Kearny,NJ 7004.6 97
23 22-Jul Kearny,NJ River Vale, NJ 7029 24.4
24 23-Jul River Vale, NJ Ridgewood, NJ 7064 8.7


We will be sharing information in the coming weeks about all the great places we visited. Each is worth a visit if you find yourself in the area.  We couldn’t enjoy the amenities of many of these places, but hopefully once you see what they have to offer you will find the time to go out and visit.


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